Gebetszeiten Info

Informationen über die Berechnungen der Gebetszeiten

SwissMosque App Info:

FAQ zu SwissMosque

Sie werden eine neue Applikation mit dem Namen SwissMosque einführen, was ist das genau?
Die FIDS hat zusammen mit seinen Dachverbänden beschlossen, die Gebetszeiten in der Schweiz zu
vereinheitlichen. Es war uns wichtig, dass sich die islamischen Gemeinschaften einigen konnten und
nicht mehr unterschiedliche Gebetszeiten in der gleichen Ortschaft haben. Mit der neuen App werden
Zeitunterschiede in den verschiedenen Gebetszeitenkalendern der islamischen Gemeinschaften
beseitigt und alle können sich an den gleichen Zeiten orientieren. Die App SwissMosque wird diese
vereinheitlichten Gebetszeiten anzeigen.

Welche Gemeinschaften betrift das?
Der Imamrat, der Vorstand und der Präsidentenrat der FIDS tragen diesen Entscheid mit. Alle ethnisch
organisierten islamischen Gemeinschaften in der Schweiz unterstützen diesen Entscheid, namentlich
die DAIGS, IGB, SIG und TISS mit albanischen, bosnischen und türkischen Gemeinschaften. Die
allermeisten kantonalen Dachverbände mit arabisch sprechenden Gemeinschaften tragen diesen
Entscheid auch mit.

Was ist speziell an der SwissMosque App?
Die Gebetszeiten können spezifisch per Moschee in den verschiedenen Orten angefragt werden. Man
kann z.B. sehen, wann das Morgengebet, das Isha-Gebet oder auch das Freitagsgebet in der eigenen
Moschee verrichtet wird. Zudem kann man anhand des Routenplaners Moscheen in verschiedenen
anderen Städten finden. Eine ganz gute Möglichkeit ist, dass die Moschee oder der eigene Dachverband
Mitteilungen und spezifische Informationen an die Mitglieder der angeschlossenen Moscheen senden

Ist diese App kostenpflichtig?
Nein der Gebrauch dieser App ist kostenlos und kann in den App-Stores heruntergeladen werden.

Weshalb wurde diese App entwickelt, es gibt doch schon andere solche?
In gewissen Ländern in Europa wurden solche nationalen Beschlüsse für vereinheitlichte Gebetszeiten
bereits gefällt und funktionieren gut. Es ist wichtig, dass sich die islamischen Gemeinschaften in der
Schweiz einigen konnten und nun nicht mehr unterschiedliche Gebetszeiten in der genau gleichen
Ortschaft haben. Dies ist speziell wichtig für den Monat Ramadan und zeigt, dass die Muslime und
Musliminnen in der Schweiz eine vereinte Gemeinschaft sind.

Wie ist die Kalkulationsmethode?
In summary, the project of prayer times in higher latitudes is based on the calculations that the
estimation of isha and fajr times according to one-third of the night, and the estimation of sunrise and
sunset acoording to minimum duration of day and night corresponds to 5 hours. Prayer times will be
calculated as follows:

Dhuhr: On the days when the Sun rises, dhuhr time is calculated by adding five minutes to the noon
time when the Sun is directly overhead. On days when the Sun does not rise, dhuhr time is calculated
by adding five minutes to the time the Sun passes through the meridian in its daily cycle.

Asr: Asr time is calculated according to the opinion of the public (when the shadow of an object is as
much as itself, excluding the shadow that occurs when the Sun is at its highest point). As long as the
sign of asr time is present, it is practiced in real time. When there is no sign of asr time, dhuhr time is
also considered as the asr time.

At sunrise and sunset, as long as the daytime or night time is more than 5 hours, real times are
performed. When the day or night time is less than 5 hours, the sunrise and sunset times are estimated
according to the principle that day or night times cannot be lesser than 5 hours.

The real fajr time is taken as the time when the Sun is 18 degrees below the horizon before sunrise.
The real isha time is taken as the time when the sun is 16 degrees below the horizon after sunset.
When the real isha time is after one-third of the night, it is determined by adding one-third of the night
to the maghrib time. Otherwise, the real isha time is taken.

If the real fajr time is earlier compared to the determined fajr time, than determined fajr time is used.
The determined fajr time is taken as the time found by subtracting the sum of one-third of the night
and two-sixteenths of the night from the sunrise time.

In periods when the real fajr time does not occur, the ratio of one third of the religious night to the
astronomical night on the day the last fajr occurs is obtained. The time obtained by using this ratio is
added to the maghrib time to find the isha time. The fajr time is obtained by adding 2 degrees
difference to the above calculated time and subtracting from sunrise.

In order to avoid an abnormal situation in the transition from real times to determined times, a gradual
transition is applied. For this reason, the practice of determined isha time begins 20 minutes before
the calculated determined isha time, which is calculated according to one third of the religious night,
and 20 minutes after the determined fajr time, which is calculated according to one third of the
religious night.

In places where fajr time occurs throughout the year, the gradual transition calculation for fajr and isha
times is made by considering the date of 21 June. In other words, the determined isha time begins 20
minutes before the calculated determined isha time, which is calculated according to one-third of the
religious night on 21 June, and 20 minutes after the calculated fajr time, which is calculated according
to one-third of the religious night on 21 June.

After the examinations, it has been determined that the latitude limit where the determined times are
beginning to be applied is 44.5 degrees.

Tamkin periods to be used in the calendar are as follows:
7 minutes for maghrib
0 minutes for isha
0 minutes for fajr
7 minutes for sunrise
5 minutes for dhuhr
4 minutes for asr

Wer war beteiligt and der Bestimmung dieser Kalkulationsmethode?

Due to the decision taken at the International Congress of Prayer Times in 2021,
website is established in order to publish the prayer times calculated according to the congress
decisions. The prayer times on this website are also published through the mobile application called

In order to eliminate the conflicts about the calendars in high latitudes and to develop a common
practice on prayer times, studies were started in 2017 by taking into account the individual and
institutional demands from the field. In 2018, a scientific commitiee consisting of Islamic scholars and
astronomers was formed to make preparations for the congress. The following names were included
in the scientific commitiee:
1. Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman HAÇKALI, President of the High Board of Religious Affairs
2. Dr. Ekrem KELEŞ, Former President of the High Board of Religious Affairs
3. Prof. Dr. Ali Muhyiddin al-KARADAGI, Deputy Chairman of the European Fatwa Assembly
4. Dr. Üneys KARKAH, Professor of Fiqh at the European Institute of Humanities
5. Halid HANEFI, Chairman of the German Fatwa Council
6. Abdullah MANSUR, Chairman of the European Islamic Federation
7. Al -Hammar al- BAKKALI , Chairman of the Dutch Imams Association
8. Celil YALINKILIÇ, IGMG Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Irshad Council
9. İlhan Bilgü, IGMG Secretary of the Religious Advisory Board
10. Dr. Mustafa Bülent DADAŞ, Former Vice President of the High Board of Religious Affairs
In the light of the principles determined according to the scientific evaluations made on the subject
and the results of the observations, the International Prayer Times Congress was held on September
26-27, 2021, following the seven preparatory meetings in which the calendar proposals submitied to
the scientific commitiee were evaluated.
In addition to community leaders and opinion leaders living in regions considered as high latitudes,
especially in Europe, many names active in the Islamic world and working in this field were invited to
the congress. At the meeting; Presidency of Religious Affairs of Turkey, European Fatwa and Research
Council, European Milli Görüş Organization, Union of World Muslim Scholars, Germany Aachen Bilal
Masjid Organization, Paris Mosque Organization, Norwegian Muslims Union, Kazan Muslims, French
Shariah Council, Danish Islamic Union, Swedish Masjids Union, Gothenburg Islamic Center, the
Netherlands Imams Association were represented. The leading figures of the Islamic World who
atiended the meeting are as follows:

Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Hakkali (President of the High Board of Religious Affairs)
Dr. Ekrem Keleş (Former President of the High Board of Religious Affairs)
Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Bülent Dadaş (Vice President of the High Board of Religious Affairs)
Prof. Dr. Ali Muhyiddin Karadağî (Secretary General of the Union of World Muslim Scholars )
Dr. Hüseyin Halave (Secretary General of the European Fatwa and Research Council)
Prof. Dr. Abdullah Cüdey (Former Chairman of the European Fatwa and Research Council)
Dr. Unays Kargah (Member of the European Fatwa and Research Council)
Dr. Khaled Hanefi (Member of the European Fatwa and Research Council)
Celil YALINKILIÇ, (IGMG Deputy Chairman and Chairman of the Irshad Council)
Sheikh al -Bakkali al -Hammar (Chairman of the Dutch Imams Association)
Dr. Mohammed Fuad al -Brazi (Chairman of the Danish Islamic Union)
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Caballah (Deputy Chairman of the European Fatwa and Research Council),
Sheikh Salim al – Sheikh (Former Minister of Awqaf in Libya)
Dr. Kemal Amara (Norwegian Islamic Union Representative)
Sheikh Izzettin Uveyr (Paris Mosque Representative)
Dr. İsmail Mustafavî (France Ittihâdü’l-Munazzamat Calendar Representative)
Dr. Mansur Mansur ( Director of Aachen Islamic Center)
Dr. Muhammed Selim el- Buğa (Aachen Bilal Masjid Calendar Representative)
Dr. Muhammed Nacih (Deputy Chairman of the French Shari’a Council)
Dr. Suheyb Hasan (Deputy Chairman of the European Fatwa and Research Council)
Dr. Khalid ed-Dîb (President of the Swedish Imams Association)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Turki (Imam of Islamic Center)
Dr. Mustafa BAHADIROĞLU (Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Samarkand
Dr. Taha Âmir (Head of the German Council of Scholars and Preachers)
Dr. Casir Avde (Member of the European Fatwa and Research Council (Canada)
Dr. Fuad Alevi (President of the Paris Association for Critical Thinking)
Dr. İlyas Ganif (General Secretary of the Assembly of Religious Administrative Scholars of the Muslims
of Russia)
Dr. Salahaddin Ibra (Chairman of the Union of Albanian Muslims)
Dr. Semir Rufai (Helsingborg Opinion Leader)
Sheikh Tahir Ebu Cebel (Representative of the Swedish Family Home Society)
Dr. Enver en- Nehmi (Member of the Italian Imams Commission)
The prayer times published on the website have been prepared according to the calendar project
accepted within the framework of the principles determined at the meeting held in Strasbourg in 2019.